Sofi Legal Services


Estate Planning

Why do I need a trust?

Establishing a Trust is vital for safeguarding assets, providing for loved ones, and securing long-term financial goals. While some think a Trust is unnecessary with few assets or no dependents, a well-structured Trust offers benefits regardless of circumstances. For instance, it minimizes probate costs and delays, avoids taxes, and ensures assets adhere to specific wishes. Moreover, by appointing a trusted individual as trustee, one ensures asset management in case of incapacity or death, granting peace of mind for themselves and loved ones. Ultimately, whether substantial assets or a modest estate, a Trust offers advantages for estate planning goals and multi-generational legacy protection.


Cost Savings

By establishing a trust, individuals can potentially reduce the costs associated with transferring assets to their heirs. Trusts can often help to minimize estate taxes, which can be a significant expense for some families.

Probate Avoidance

One of the key benefits of a trust is that it allows assets to pass directly to heirs without the need for probate court proceedings. This can help to minimize legal fees and court costs, and can also speed up the distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

Time Savings

Trusts can also streamline the asset transfer process, allowing heirs to receive their inheritance more quickly and efficiently. This can be particularly helpful in cases where there are complex assets or multiple heirs involved.

Asset Control

By establishing a trust, individuals can retain greater control over how their assets are distributed and managed after their death. Trusts can be tailored to meet specific needs and can include provisions for managing assets in the event of incapacity or other unforeseen circumstances.

Privacy Protection

Unlike wills, which are public documents, trusts offer a greater degree of privacy protection. Trusts are typically not subject to public recordkeeping requirements, which can help to keep sensitive information about assets and beneficiaries confidential.

About us

Mehrnoush H. Khani

Mehrnoush H. Khani is an experienced legal professional with over 30 years of expertise in the field. She received her undergraduate degree in civil law from University Paris II and her graduate degree in notarial law from University Paris X. Her thesis compared matrimonial regimes in France and the US, reflecting her strong academic background.
Mehrnoush practiced non-contentious private civil law and specialized in private law, including family law, estate planning and testamentary law, conveyancing and property law, the law of agency, and company law. She assisted private parties in drafting and recording legal documents.
Since moving to Los Angeles in 2007, Mehrnoush has focused on Estate Planning and testamentary law. She pursued specialized courses at UCLA to further develop her knowledge and skills in these areas. As a registered LDA (Legal Document Assistant) in Los Angeles, she is authorized to assist clients in the preparation of their legal documents.
Mehrnoush is fluent in English, French, and Farsi, which makes her an asset to any legal field.


Living Trust

Trust Administration


Durable Powers of Attorney

Heath Care Directive

Living Trust

A living trust serves as a powerful legal tool that empowers individuals to oversee and control their assets throughout their life and even after they pass away. This unique instrument enables seamless asset management and distribution. In case of incapacity, a designated successor trustee steps in to manage the trust on behalf of the beneficiary. Unlike assets subject to probate, those held within a living trust remain private, ensuring enhanced privacy protection for the beneficiaries and their families.

Trust Administration

Trust Administration is the vital process of managing a trust after the trustor’s demise, encompassing necessary expenses until the complete distribution of trust assets. The trustee assumes the responsibility of executing this crucial task, guided by the specific instructions and powers stipulated in the Trust document. Acting as an authoritative guide, the Trust document offers clear direction to the trustee, empowering them to effectively manage the trust’s assets and liabilities using the designated powers.


A meticulously drafted will plays a crucial role in securing the distribution and administration of your assets precisely as per your wishes and preferences. By thoughtfully designating beneficiaries, assets, and instructions, you can minimize potential conflicts and uncertainties, creating a clear path for the management of your estate. Furthermore, a properly executed will brings peace of mind, ensuring that your legacy will be handled in alignment with your deeply held values and priorities.

Durable Powers of Attorney

A durable power of attorney (POA) is an essential legal tool that empowers you, the “principal,” to delegate decision-making authority to an individual known as the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact,” who can act on your behalf. Including a POA in your comprehensive estate plan is crucial, as it ensures that your financial and legal matters will be handled according to your wishes and objectives, even if you become incapacitated. It’s important to understand that as long as you possess the necessary legal capacity, you retain the right to revoke the POA at any time by providing written notice to your agent.

Health Care Directive

A healthcare directive, also known as a medical power of attorney, is specifically designed to grant your chosen agent the authority to make crucial healthcare decisions on your behalf in case you become incapable of doing so yourself. To ensure the effectiveness of such powers when needed, they must be established as durable powers of attorney, meaning they remain valid even in cases of incapacitation or communication challenges. By entrusting a trusted individual with this authority, you can rest assured that your medical treatment preferences and directives will be honored, even when you are unable to provide input directly.

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